Request for Information on the 2023 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan (2/7/2023) CYBERSECURITY, FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE - Pursuant to the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014, Federal agencies must update the Federal cybersecurity research and development (R&D) strategic plan every four years. The NITRD NCO seeks public input for the 2023 update of the Federal cybersecurity R&D strategic… ...
Request for Information; Digital Assets Research and Development (1/26/2023) DIGITAL ASSETS, FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE - The Federal Government is developing a National Digital Assets Research and Development Agenda. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)—on behalf of the Fast Track Action Committee (FTAC) on Digital Assets Research and Development of the Subcommittee… ...
Notice of Open to the Public Meetings of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program (1/13/2023) FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE, PUBLIC MEETINGS - The NITRD Program holds meetings that are open to the public to attend. The Joint Engineering Team (JET) and Middleware And Grid Interagency Coordination (MAGIC) Team provide an opportunity for the public to engage and participate in information sharing with… ...
NITRD and NAIIO SUPPLEMENT TO THE PRESIDENT’S FY2023 BUDGET (11/29/2022) PUBLICATIONS, SUPPLEMENT TO THE PRESIDENT'S BUDGET - This document is a supplement to the President's FY 2023 Budget Request to Congress. Following Congressional mandate, the Supplement incorporates budgetary and programmatic information for member agencies of the NITRD Program and for the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative. This report… ...
FY2023 FEDERAL CYBERSECURITY R&D STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ROADMAP (11/29/2022) CYBERSECURITY, PUBLICATIONS, STRATEGY DOCUMENTS - This document provides FY2023 implementation plans for the 2019 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan (Plan), developed by the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program's Cyber Security and Information Assurance (CSIA) Interagency Working Group (IWG). This… ...
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES: Program Manager, National Strategic Computing Reserve Pilot Program Office (11/13/2022) CAREER OPPORTUNITIES, NEWS - The Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program is seeking candidates interested in serving as the Program Manager for the NSCR Pilot Program Office. The NSCR Pilot Program Office will (1) develop a plan, to include the structures,… ...
Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights: Making Automated Systems Work for the American People (10/4/2022) AI, NEWS - The Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights is a guide for a society that protects all people from these threats—and uses technologies in ways that reinforce our highest values. Responding to the experiences of the American public, and informed… ...
PCAST Releases Report on Revitalizing the U.S. Semiconductor Ecosystem (9/27/2022) NEWS - President Biden’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) is recommending ten actions for securing the long-term health and competitiveness of the U.S. semiconductor ecosystem. Released today, a new report expands on the high-level recommendations that PCAST released in… ...
The Biden-Harris Administration Begins Implementation of CHIPS and Science Act to Benefit American Communities (9/20/2022) NEWS - Last month, when President Biden signed the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, he unleashed a powerful vision and critical funding for semiconductor investments that will power American infrastructure, grow and diversify our workforce, and enhance science and technology… ...
Request for Information; Draft National Strategy on Microelectronics Research (9/20/2022) FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE, MICROELECTRONICS, NEWS - The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, on behalf of the Subcommittee on Microelectronics Leadership (SML) of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), requests comments from the public on the Draft National Strategy on Microelectronics Research (referred… ...