
Leveraging Foundation and Large Language Models for Health Workshop Report

(January 21, 2025)

The Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program and the Digital Health Research and Development Interagency Working Group (IWG), released the “Leveraging Foundation and Large Language Models for Health Workshop Report” to summarize key takeaways from the federal-only workshop held in July 2024.


Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Announces National Privacy Research Strategy

(January 16, 2025)

This strategy establishes objectives and priorities for federally funded privacy research, provides a framework for coordinating privacy research and development, and encourages multidisciplinary research that recognizes privacy needs of individuals and society and the responsibilities of the government. The science and technology advances established by this strategy will enable individuals, commercial entities, and the government to benefit from technological advancements and provide meaningful protections for personal information and individual privacy.


Networking and Information Technology R&D Program and the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Office Supplement to the President’s FY2025 Budget Released

(November 27, 2024)

This document is a supplement to the President’s FY2025 Budget Request to Congress. Following Congressional mandate, the Supplement incorporates budgetary and programmatic information for member agencies of the NITRD Program and for the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative. This report covers FY2023 actual, FY2024 enacted, and FY2025 requested funding levels by agency and Program Component Area for all NITRD R&D programs. It also describes the key R&D programs and coordination activities planned for FY2025 by the federal agencies participating in NITRD. In addition, this document reports on the specific agency investments for FYs2023–2025 for AI and the National AI Research Institutes and for advanced wireless. It also includes a list of the existing and proposed R&D projects that address critical national cybersecurity needs.


Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program announces update to Big Data Strategic Plan

(November 12, 2024)

This document outlines a new vision and strategies to address the evolving big data research and development needs. It updates “The Federal Big Data Research and Development Strategic Plan” to address the notable developments and substantial changes in technologies and data management over the past several years. Additionally, this update considers the ethical and workforce implications of big data capabilities, and incorporates insights from federal agencies, findings from a community workshop, and input from the public. This update is essential to ensuring that the United States remains equipped to tackle the most pressing challenges and to empower the nation to make informed decisions that directly impact every sector.

National Spectrum Research and Development Plan

National Spectrum Research and Development Plan

(October 9, 2024)

This National Spectrum Research and Development Plan identifies key innovation areas for spectrum research as directed under Pillar 3 of the National Spectrum Strategy (NSS – November 2023): “Unprecedented Spectrum Innovation, Access, and Management through Technology Development” objective 3.2: “Commit to improving collective understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum through coordinated, focused, and sophisticated research and development (R&D)”. This Plan reflects recommendations from federal stakeholders and responses from industry, academia and the public to a Request for Information published in February 2024. This Plan was informed by public input from U.S. universities, companies and industry trade organizations submitted in response to a public Request for Information. Federal agency inputs were gathered through the WSRD IWG of the National Information Technology R&D (NITRD) Program. This Plan will be revised and updated on a periodic basis. Revisions to this Plan will include stakeholder consultation via the collaborative framework mandated by the National Spectrum Strategy.


U.S. Leadership in Software Engineering & AI Engineering: Critical Needs & Priorities Workshop Report

(September 27, 2024)

To inform a community strategy for building and maintaining U.S. leadership in software engineering and AI engineering, the Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Engineering Institute (CMU SEI) and the Software Productivity, Sustainability, and Quality (SPSQ) Interagency Working Group co-hosted the workshop at the National Science Foundation from June 20th to the 21st, 2023…


2020–2024 Progress Report: Advancing Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence R&D

(July 22, 2024)

This document reports current trends and examples of federal R&D investments, program information, and activities in AI that directly address the R&D challenges and opportunities noted in the National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan: 2023 Update


FY 2021 – 2023 Progress Report on Pioneering the Future Advanced Computing Ecosystem: A Strategic Plan

(June 14, 2024)

This progress report summarizes investments and activities under each of the FACE strategic objectives and the sub-objectives, as listed in the 2020 Pioneering the Future Advanced Computing Ecosystem: A Strategic Plan. The report also highlights outcomes of selected investments and activities from across the federal agencies.



(January 11, 2024)

This 2023 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan supersedes the 2019 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan. The Plan aims to coordinate and guide federally funded R&D in cybersecurity, including development of consensus-based standards and best practices. This Plan identifies five priority areas (human-centered cybersecurity, trustworthiness, cyber resilience, cybersecurity metrics, and cybersecurity research infrastructure) and three federal priority application scenarios (secure software and hardware supply chain, trustworthy artificial intelligence, and secure clean energy future) as the focusing structure for federal cybersecurity R&D activities and investments to benefit the nation.



(November 16, 2023)

This document is a supplement to the President’s FY 2023 Budget Request to Congress. Following Congressional mandate, the Supplement incorporates budgetary and programmatic information for member agencies of the NITRD Program and for the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative. This report covers FY 2021 actual, FY 2022 enacted, and FY 2023 requested funding levels by agency and Program Component Area for all NITRD R&D programs. It also describes the key R&D programs and coordination activities planned for FY 2023 by the Federal agencies participating in NITRD. This Supplement reports specific agency investments for FYs 2021–2023 for AI and the National AI Research Institutes and for advanced wireless communications. A separate appendix, the FY 2023 Federal Cybersecurity R&D Strategic Plan Implementation Roadmap, lists existing and proposed R&D projects that address critical national cybersecurity needs (