84-FR-28338 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON UPDATE TO STRATEGIC COMPUTING OBJECTIVES (6/18/2019) FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE - On behalf of the National Science and Technology Council’s (NSTC) Fast-Track Action Committee (FTAC) on Strategic Computing (SC), NITRD NCO requests input from all interested parties on the goals and necessary approaches for sustaining and enhancing U.S. scientific, technological, and… ...
rd-priorities-2019 Research and Development Priorities for American Leadership in Wireless Communications (5/30/2019) PUBLICATIONS - This report responds to the October 25, 2018, Presidential Memorandum on Developing a Sustainable Spectrum Strategy for America’s Future and contains recommendations for prioritizing R&D to advance radio frequency spectrum access and efficiency, as called for in Section 2(c) of… ...
84-FR-9387 NOTICE OF OPEN TO THE PUBLIC MEETINGS OF THE NETWORKING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (NITRD) PROGRAM (5/2/2019) FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE, PUBLIC MEETINGS - Federal Register Notice:  84 FR 9387 SUMMARY: The NITRD Program holds meetings that are open to the public to attend. The Joint Engineering Team (JET) and Middleware And Grid Interagency Coordination (MAGIC) Team provide an opportunity for the public to engage… ...
women-in-nitrd-banner NATIONAL WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH: NITRD LOOKS BACK AT OUTSTANDING LEADERS (3/18/2019) NEWS - As Women’s History Month heads into its third week, the National Coordinating Office for Networking and Information Research and Development (NITRD) continues its series on celebrating the Women in NITRD. Previously we have focused on our current membership; this week we… ...
women-in-nitrd-banner-3 NATIONAL WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH: WOMEN OF THE NITRD INTERAGENCY WORKING GROUPS (3/11/2019) NEWS - As part of our Women’s History Month series on celebrating the Women in NITRD, the National Coordinating Office for Networking and Information Research and Development (NITRD) would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the many women leaders and members of… ...
women-in-nitrd-banner-2 NATIONAL WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH: WOMEN OF THE NITRD SUBCOMMITTEE (3/4/2019) NEWS - The National Coordinating Office for Networking and Information Research and Development (NITRD) proudly announces #WomenInNITRD to recognize the women in our organization who strengthen the Federal science and technology research organizations through their leadership, passion, and fortitude. This webpage is being launched… ...
HITRD-RFI-2019 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION: ACTION ON INTEROPERABILITY OF MEDICAL DEVICES, DATA, AND PLATFORMS TO ENHANCE PATIENT CARE (2/15/2019) FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE - Federal Register Notice: 84 FR 4544 AGENCY: Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) National Coordination Office (NCO), National Science Foundation. ACTION: Notice of request for information. SUMMARY: The NITRD Health Information Technology Research and Development Interagency Working Group (HITRD… ...
Open-Knowledge-Network-Workshop-Report-2018-slide Open Knowledge Network: Summary of the Big Data IWG Workshop (11/20/2018) BIG DATA, PUBLICATIONS - Technology companies develop proprietary knowledge networks as key business technologies today. However, because these networks are proprietary and expensive to construct, government, academia, small businesses, and nonprofits do not have access to them. In contrast, an open knowledge network (OKN)… ...
Cyber-RFI-2018 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON UPDATE TO THE 2016 FEDERAL CYBERSECURITY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PLAN (11/14/2018) CYBERSECURITY, FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE - Pursuant to the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014, Federal agencies must update the Federal cybersecurity research and development (R&D) strategic plan every four years. The NITRD NCO seeks public input for the 2019 update of the Federal cybersecurity R&D strategic… ...
NITRD-Connecting-Securing-Communities-Federal-Guide-2018 CONNECTING AND SECURING COMMUNITIES: A Guide for Federal Agencies Supporting Research, Development, Demonstration, and Deployment of Technology for Smart Cities and Communities (10/25/2018) PUBLICATIONS - Communities in the United States, from rural towns to large cities, are motivated by a vision in which digital technologies are integrated into infrastructure and services to create new jobs, improve the economy, and enhance safety and security for their… ...