NITRD NewsLetter - April 2018 NITRD NEWSLETTER – APRIL 2018 (4/16/2018) NEWS, NEWSLETTER, PUBLICATIONS - “Artificial intelligence (AI) has arrived – driverless cars, home and mobile assistants, real-time traffic routing, advising systems for everything from stock markets to healthcare, helpdesk chatbots, and more. Rapid AI advancements are enabled by technologies that NITRD agencies helped create,… ...
FRAMEWORK FOR IMPROVING CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE CYBERSECURITY “FRAMEWORK FOR IMPROVING CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE CYBERSECURITY” – MATTHEW BARRETT (3/22/2018) NEWS - With increasing reliance on technology, businesses are increasingly transitioning from trust to digital trust models. This transition has been hindered by the lack of a common language for understanding, managing, and expressing cybersecurity risk inside and outside of organizations. The… ...
NITRD NewsLetter - January 2018 NITRD NEWSLETTER – JANUARY 2018 (1/16/2018) NEWS, NEWSLETTER, PUBLICATIONS - “The NITRD Program will be essential in helping our Nation achieve a brighter future through advances in information technology (IT). Evidence of this is seen in past Federal IT R&D, which led to technologies that help us today (e.g. the… ...