NITRDNewsletter07162018 NITRD NEWSLETTER – JULY 2018 (7/16/2018) NEWS, NEWSLETTER, PUBLICATIONS - “Serving as NITRD NCO Director for the past two years has reinforced my appreciation of the importance of Federal IT R&D in addressing the challenges and pursuing the opportunities of advancing IT. I am also reminded that new challenges and… ...
Wireless Spectrum WIRELESS SPECTRUM: RADIO RECEIVER SYSTEMS (7/13/2018) RESOURCES, WIRELESS SPECTRUM - On May 5, 2017, the WSRD IWG held a workshop, Radio Receiver Systems: R&D Innovation Needs and Impacts on Technology and Policy. At this workshop, Federal, private, and academic stakeholders discussed their individual views regarding the need for innovation in… ...
Education idea FRONTIERS OF DATA VISUALIZATION WORKSHOP II: DATA WRANGLING WORKSHOP SUMMARY (7/13/2018) PUBLICATIONS - The Big Data (BD) Interagency Working Group (IWG) coordinates Federal agency research and development (R&D) to extract knowledge and insight from large, diverse, and disparate data sources, including mechanisms for data capture, curation, management, access, analysis, and visualization. The BD IWG works… ...
ai A NEW NITRD IWG FOR ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) R&D (7/2/2018) AI, NEWS - "Artificial intelligence holds tremendous potential as a tool to empower the American worker, drive growth in American industry, and improve the lives of the American people. Our free market approach to scientific discovery harnesses the combined strengths of government, industry,… ...
Federalist-Slack-Burkholder “MOVING BUREAUCRACIES TOWARD MODERN CLOUD PRACTICE” (6/1/2018) NEWS - Across the government, different groups are identifying technologies, policies and acquisition strategies that clear away barriers and help agencies begin to realize the full benefits of cloud. Too often, cloud adoption recreates physical datacenters, and doesn’t realize the cloud benefits… ...
MAGIC CONTAINERIZATION AND VIRTUALIZATION SPEAKER SERIES (FEBRUARY – MAY 2018) MAGIC CONTAINERIZATION AND VIRTUALIZATION SPEAKER SERIES (FEBRUARY – MAY 2018) (4/30/2018) NEWS - In the Spring of 2018, The Middleware and Grid Interagency Coordination Team (MAGIC) held a four-part speaker series to examine the impact of containerization and virtualization technologies on computing ecosystems.  The presentations and discussions focused on: (1) various packages that are in… ...
NITRD NewsLetter - April 2018 NITRD NEWSLETTER – APRIL 2018 (4/16/2018) NEWS, NEWSLETTER, PUBLICATIONS - “Artificial intelligence (AI) has arrived – driverless cars, home and mobile assistants, real-time traffic routing, advising systems for everything from stock markets to healthcare, helpdesk chatbots, and more. Rapid AI advancements are enabled by technologies that NITRD agencies helped create,… ...
FRAMEWORK FOR IMPROVING CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE CYBERSECURITY “FRAMEWORK FOR IMPROVING CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE CYBERSECURITY” – MATTHEW BARRETT (3/22/2018) NEWS - With increasing reliance on technology, businesses are increasingly transitioning from trust to digital trust models. This transition has been hindered by the lack of a common language for understanding, managing, and expressing cybersecurity risk inside and outside of organizations. The… ...
NITRD NewsLetter - January 2018 NITRD NEWSLETTER – JANUARY 2018 (1/16/2018) NEWS, NEWSLETTER, PUBLICATIONS - “The NITRD Program will be essential in helping our Nation achieve a brighter future through advances in information technology (IT). Evidence of this is seen in past Federal IT R&D, which led to technologies that help us today (e.g. the… ...