- Agenda, April, 2013.
- Workshop Description, April, 2013.
Workshop Description
The Wireless Spectrum R&D Senior Steering Group (WSRD SSG) was formed in 2010 in response to the Presidential Memorandum, “Unleashing the Wireless Broadband Revolution”. The group was called upon to assist the Secretary of Commerce in the creation and implementation of a plan to facilitate research, development, experimentation, and testing …to explore innovative spectrum‐sharing technologies…” Since that time, the WSRD SSG has conducted a series of workshops to explore what research is currently underway, what type of testing environments need to be made available, and to gather input from the larger research community on establishing research priorities. Earlier workshops focused on the technical research agenda. This fourth workshop will focus on the complementary multidisciplinary economic and policy research necessary to effect improvements in the management and use of spectrum resources.
The goal of this workshop is to identify economic and policy research that will facilitate the commercialization of wireless system technologies, business models, and institutional/policy frameworks that will align incentives and ease roadblocks to promoting progress toward maximizing the economic benefit from our collective use of wireless systems and the radio frequency spectrum on which such systems depend.
- “Promoting Economic Efficiency in Spectrum Use: the economic and policy research agenda”, Wireless Spectrum R&D Senior Steering Group; Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Subcommittee, April 2013.
- “Promoting Economic Efficiency in Spectrum Use” Participant Biographies, April, 2013.
- Federal Register Notice: 78 FR 18374, “Promoting Economic Efficiency in Spectrum Use: WSRD SSG Workshop IV”, The National Coordination Office (NCO) for Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD), March 26, 2013.
Day 1: Tuesday, April 23
- Greeting, Logistics, Introductions (Bill Lehr, MIT; Byron Barker, NTIA; Andy Clegg, NSF; John Chapin, DARPA)
Panel 1.1 Recent Experiences with Spectrum Sharing
Moderator: Byron Barker (NTIA)
- Mark Gibson – ComSearch (on 1755-1850 band)
- Steve Sharkey – T-Mobile (on 1695-1710 and 1755-1850 bands)
- Peter Ecclesine – Cisco (on 5 GHz bands)
- Jeff Schmidt – SpectrumBridge (TV White Space)
Panel 1.2 Public Safety and New Spectrum Use Models
Moderator: Fred Frantz (Engility)
- Fred Frantz, Director, National Law Enforcement and Corrections Technology Center (NLECTC) Communications Technology Center of Excellence (moderator)
- Don Denning, Chief Information Officer for Public Safety, City of Boston
- P. A. (Al) Sadowski, IT Manager, North Carolina Department of Public Safety, North Carolina State Highway Patrol
- Scott Wilder, Director of Technology, Brookline Police Department
Panel 1.3 Impediments to Commercialization of Sharing
Moderator: John Chapin (DARPA)
- Dean Brenner – Qualcomm (Small cell in 3.5 GHz)
- Steve Sharkey – T-Mobile
- Chris Guttman-McCabe – CTIA
- Stacey Black, AT&T
- Brett Kilbourne, Utilities Telecom Council
- Jake MacLeod, TIA
- Mark Cooper, CFA
Panel 1.4 Jumpstarting investment – Investor and Legal Perspectives
Moderator: Peter Tenhula (NTIA)
- Barlow Keener/Armand Musey
- Mark Lowenstein (Mobile Ecosystem)
- Mitchell Lazarus (FHH)
Day 2: Wednesday, April 24
John Leibovitz (FCC) Research a policymaker would like to see
Panel 2.1 Lightning Talks I
Moderator: Andrew Clegg (Moderator)
5-7 minute talks “here’s valuable research that needs to be done ”
- Martin Weiss (UPitt) Enforcement in cooperative sharing
- Anant Sahai (UC, Berkeley) Building trust against political risk
- Michael Marcus (Marcus) FCC delays and impact on investment & innovation
- Barlow Keener (Keener) Economic loss from fallow spectrum
- Mark Cooper (CFA) Evolving regulatory rules for innovation and social benefit
- Michael Honig et al. (Northwestern) Spectrum valuation & regulatory regime
Panel 2.2 Economics Research Challenges & Opportunities
Moderator: Tom Hazlett (George Mason)
- Gerry Faulhaber (UPenn)
- Michael Katz (UC, Berkeley)
- Scott Wallsten (TPI)
- Guilia McHenry (Brattle Group)
Panel 2.3 Spectrum Management Reform
Moderator: Yochai Benkler (Harvard)
- Pierre de Vries (UColo, Boulder) Receiver management
- John Quinlan (OMB) Spectrum Incentives in the Federal Budgetary Framework
- Preston Marshall (ISI) Implementing new spectrum utilization metrics
Panel 2.4 Lightning Talks II
Moderator: Andrew Clegg (Moderator)
- Tom Hazlett (George Mason) Overlays and Efficient Spectrum Relocation
- Michael Marcus (Marcus) Efficient Co-design of military radar and comm systems
- Martin Weiss (UPitt) Moving spectrum markets up the stack
- Doug Sicker (UColo) Policy-based v. technical solutions for interference mgmt.
- Dina Katabi (MIT) GHz-wide sensing and decoding using cheap radios
- Allan Sadowski (NC Pub Safety) Spectrum Efficient Antenna Revolution